Rotenburg Works


Energetic expertises

Within the scope of an extensive energetic investigation of the Rotenburger Werke, D:4 provides expert opinions on the condition of approx. 65 buildings.


The Rotenburg Works

The Rotenburger Werke is a diaconal institution for people with mental and physical disabilities. Inpatient and outpatient treatment is combined with leisure and education at various locations in northern Lower Saxony.



In addition to the preparation of energy-related refurbishment measures, the aim of the study is also to draw up a concept for sustainable management and a design that is suitable for the care and maintenance of the multi-purpose buildings.

In addition to the current condition of the buildings, the expert reports prepared by D:4 should also show the sequence of successive renovations according to aspects of building use, monument law and financial support possibilities.



In a multi-stage project, D:4 2015 first developed categories for the client for the building evaluation according to energy criteria and based on this developed an evaluation matrix for the recommendation of measures including a financing preview.

Subsequently, D:4 carried out the energy analysis of the building groups on the basis of the evaluation of energy consumption, building use and density of use, and on the basis of this developed a step-by-step model for the in-depth investigations of the building groups such as housing, workshop, office etc.

The strategic evaluation of this analysis could finally be extended to the creation of an evaluation system, about the building condition and the profitability of the renovation measures.

Over the course of the project, D:4 accompanies the client with regular presentations of interim results. The evaluation takes place together and in a productive dialogue.