Community and meeting center with day care center
In an exchange with the Catholic parish of St. Hedwig Buckow-Müncheberg and the day care centre Christlich-Naturnahes Kinderhaus Müncheberg of the Katholischer Elternkreis Strausberg e.V. (Catholic Parents' Circle Strausberg). (KEKS e.V.), the idea of establishing a future-oriented church-community and meeting centre was born.
At the centre is an extensive, intergenerational social, ecological and educational offer for church members and citizens of Müncheberg, which was made possible with the help of a LEADER and Kita grant.
It was planned to replace the parish and community centre built in 1938 with a functional new building. The existing building was in great need of renovation and could no longer meet the requirements of a community centre with an affiliated day-care centre due to its structural and architectural structure and room layout.
In the course of the building project, the outer façade of the church was also renewed, a new heating system installed and the bells replaced. A small "city" has been created, which is also intended to function as a community centre for the surrounding villages. An open entrance area, which connects the day care centre with the other rooms, underlines the public character of the community centre.
On weekdays, the community centre can be used for different counselling services. Flexible office workstations have been set up for this purpose. The two accessible function rooms are available to senior citizens' groups from Müncheberg and the surrounding area and offer space for events and celebrations of the church community. As the first project of this kind, it was classified by the municipality and the LAG Märkische Seen e.V. as particularly worthy of support.
The 270 m² day care centre offers space for 30-40 children and is run by KEKS e.V. with the support of the church community. The garden and the children's kitchen are central components of the educational concept. In the full kitchen of the day-care centre, the children can learn how to cook using regional foodstuffs from ecological cultivation. Guests of the parish and community centre can also use the kitchen for larger events. The project, which was financed to a large extent by subsidies, was completed in 2021.
> Märkische Oderzeitung, 14.03.2019
> Märkische Oderzeitung, 21.09.2021
> Berlin Bonifatiuswerk visits the new meeting center in Müncheberg. 7.11.2022