Ev. rock church congregation
Feasibility study for the development of the site Schlitzer Straße / Eichhorster Weg
Municipality and municipal area
The Evangelische Felsen-Kirchengemeinde (now: Andreas-Kirchengemeinde) was merged in 2001 from the former Apostel-Andreas-Kirchengemeinde and the Kirchengemeinde in den Rollbergen. Thus, the parish area extends from the Rollbergesiedlung to the Märkische Viertel. With currently about 2,300 parishioners, it is the largest of the three parishes in the so-called Region 222 in Reinickendorf, which got its name from the bus line 222 that connects all parishes.
Since the community centre in Titiseestraße had to be closed in 2015 due to high levels of pollution, the church in Eichhorster Weg and the adjoining community rooms in Schlitzer Straße are currently central places of worship and events in the area.
For this building complex, D:4 undertook a development study in 2018/2019 to assess whether and to what extent the site should continue to be used for community work, and if so, whether there are opportunities for optimisation or expansion.
The following variants were examined in consultation with the municipality:
a) Renovation and extension of the existing building
b) New building of the community centre
c) New building of the day care centre
d) New building of the day care centre with community rooms
For the evaluation of the variants and as a basis for decision-making for the congregation, an evaluation matrix was developed, which evaluates with different weighting on the one hand the building law, the equity capital requirement, the funding possibilities and on the other hand, however, also the fulfilment of the congregation's needs and the barrier-free use. The acute need for renovation of the church and parish hall as well as the long-term real estate planning of the parish were also included in the considerations.
As a result of the study, the inventory and needs analysis showed that the congregation maintains an active community life at the site, so that the need for at least a group and event space continues to exist. Nevertheless, the community must also expect a decline in active members in the long term, so that a reduction in the current stock of community space was also taken into account in the study.
Furthermore, it has been confirmed that the need for renovation of the church and parish hall is currently so high that further management is uneconomical for the parish. In view of the long-term maintenance of the site, a new building is also justified under these circumstances.
At the same time, the analysis of the municipal area and the immediate social environment of the municipality has shown that there is an ongoing high demand for day care places.
On the basis of the development options presented by D:4, the community has decided to replace the church and community hall with a functional new building. This is to accommodate a daycare centre with approx. 60 children and, in addition, a barrier-free accessible and flexibly usable community hall with functional area (kitchenette, storage, etc.).